Interviews · Others · 2024-04-04

Expert insights: Pablo Tapia on Avoiding Mistakes when Buying AI Solutions

Expert insights: Pablo Tapia on Avoiding Mistakes when Buying AI Solutions


In this interview series, we delve into the world of AI Automation and MLOps, covering different topics such as common mistakes to avoid when implementing an AI solution for enterprise operations automation, how to approach such projects, or how to make the most of investing in an MLOps solution. Rafa Ballesteros, Head of Business and Technology for North America at Tupl, sits down with Pablo Tapia, Tupl's CTO and founder, to discuss these topics and to share their expertise in this field.  

The increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents exciting opportunities for businesses to innovate and improve. However, many companies underestimate the effort and expertise required to successfully implement AI solutions. This often leads to common mistakes when partnering with a vendor and through the buying process, which can hinder project success.

In this interview, Rafa Ballesteros and Pablo Tapia discuss these common pitfalls and offer valuable insights to help businesses navigate the process effectively.

What are some common challenges companies face when partnering with AI solution providers like Tupl? 

Navigating the landscape of AI solution partnerships is a journey fraught with challenges and potential pitfalls. In this section, Pablo delves into the common challenges encountered by companies when engaging with AI solution providers.  

According to Pablo, these are the most common mistakes companies make when embarking on an AI Automation project:

1. Losing Sight of the Business Problem 

At the heart of most unsuccessful AI automation projects lies a fundamental oversight: losing sight of the original business problem. Companies often get caught up in the excitement of AI technology and lose sight of the underlying business problem they are trying to solve, which can lead to choosing an AI solution that is not well-aligned with their specific needs.   This misstep is the first domino to fall, leading to a chain reaction of inefficiencies and misallocated resources. Remember, the business problem should not just be the starting point but the guiding light, illuminating every decision and strategy throughout the project lifecycle.  

2. Getting Lost in the Technology 

 In the excitement to adopt AI, many organizations fall into the trap of technology fixation. The mindset often becomes "AI must be the solution for everything," regardless of whether it's the best fit for the specific problem at hand. While AI's versatility is undeniable, it is not a panacea. The decision to use AI—or any technology, for that matter—should always be driven by a clear and sober assessment of its suitability to address the business challenge effectively. The key is not to let the allure of technology cloud your judgment.   Compatibility with other technologies must also be considered: technologies need to align seamlessly, or otherwise, potential setbacks in terms of time and financial resource might happen.  

3. Overrelying on Internal Teams  

Companies sometimes overestimate the capabilities of their internal teams to implement and manage an AI solution. It's possible that your team lacks the required knowledge, technologies, or expertise to effectively manage such a project. This could result in your team expending excessive time and effort attempting to construct something that falls short of being a viable product.  

Strategies for Avoiding Common Mistakes 

As organizations increasingly turn to AI solution providers like Tupl, Pablo Tapia offers recommendations that can be very helpful in avoiding the common mistakes mentioned earlier: 

1.  Prioritize Problem Definition and Systematic Approach 

Start by clearly defining the specific business challenges you want to address. Employ a systematic approach by asking yourself: 

Never lose sight of the problem you're trying to solve. Regularly revisit and reassess the business case to ensure that all efforts are aligned with addressing this core challenge.  

2. Start Small and Scale  

Don't be afraid to start small and iterate as you learn. As Rafa Ballesteros suggests, "Don't try to boil the ocean." Aiming for a perfect, all-encompassing solution from the beginning can lead to analysis paralysis and hinder progress. 

Instead, embrace continuous improvement through Iteration and focus on implementing a pilot project or an initial phase that addresses a specific, manageable problem.  

3. Think Long-Term and Embrace Growth 

While starting small is crucial, it's essential to maintain a future-oriented perspective. Consider how your initial efforts can be extended and scaled to meet your evolving needs. "Think forward, look beyond where you are going to be tomorrow," advises Pablo Tapia. 

4. Embrace Continuous Learning  

Remember, successful partnerships are built on continuous learning and improvement. As Pablo Tapia emphasizes, "The sooner you start, the quicker you learn, the quicker you go." Don't be afraid to experiment, analyze results, and adjust your approach as you gather data and gain experience. 


In the rush to embrace AI automation, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and lose sight of what's truly important. The key to success lies in a disciplined approach that keeps the business problem firmly in focus, carefully assesses the suitability of AI, and leverages the right mix of internal and external expertise. By avoiding the common mistakes of technology fixation and overreliance on internal teams, businesses can navigate the complexities of AI automation more effectively, ensuring their projects not only succeed but thrive. Remember, the journey toward AI adoption is not a sprint but a marathon, requiring patience, strategic planning, and a steadfast commitment to solving the right problems with the right solutions.  

Remember, partnering with an AI provider like Tupl should be a collaborative journey, leveraging the expertise of both parties to navigate the complexities of AI implementation and unlock its transformative power. By taking these steps, businesses can ensure they are well-equipped to harness the power of AI and gain a competitive edge in implementing these solutions.  

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