Press Releases · 2021-06-03

The problem of remote sensing with meteorology and how Tupl has developed a new system to provide continuous data to Agro Advisor users

The problem of remote sensing with meteorology and how Tupl has developed a new system to provide continuous data to Agro Advisor users

Since the beginning of the transition to agriculture 2.0, it is common knowledge that the biggest enemy of the new technological innovations in satellite remote sensing has been the weather. This is because the processes for obtaining data on a regular basis are complicated by clouds that last for weeks.

This problem was experienced also in Agro Advisor, a satellite remote sensing software developed by Tupl and based on the TuplOs platform.

Agro Advisor obtained daily data from the registered farms and displayed the information with colorimetric representations of Health, Nutrition and Humidity for the farms added by each user. Although there was always the possibility that subscribers would have data processing problems for a month due to continuous cloud layers; many of these did not even convert into precipitation and were therefore not beneficial for either the farmer's work or the extraction of satellite data.

Image before with no data

In order to guarantee the data availability for the users, a new processing method has been developed, so meteorology is only a temporary problem towards the new agriculture 2.0.

This new implementation deals with information from previous dates and images from Agro Advisor, using a linear interpolation and then a matrix method. Therefore, the process minimizes errors in interpretation by providing real data about the state of the farms on cloudy days and finally being able to give the user a continuity of dates with data in the software.

Image after with data

Spanish Version:[…]icion-de-datos-continuados-a-los-usuarios-de-agro-advisor.html

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