
Agro Advisor + Whatsapp

Automatically receive updates on your crops via Whatsapp.

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Have you digitalized your agricultural processes?

Without embracing digital solutions, farmers may struggle to keep up with industry advancements and face challenges in remaining competitive. This leads to missed opportunities for optimizing resource allocation, mitigating risks, and achieving sustainable growth.

Do you receive real-time updates on your crop management?

Do you receive real-time updates on your crop management?

Without immediate information, it becomes challenging to respond promptly to changing conditions, such as weather patterns or pest outbreaks. This can lead to inefficient resource allocation, reduced productivity, increased crop vulnerability, and ultimately financial losses. Timely updates are crucial for informed decision-making and proactive mitigation of potential risks.


Inefficient response to changing conditions.


Increased vulnerability and potential financial losses.

Are you connected to your technician?

Are you connected to your technician?

The lack of clear communication hampers the ability to address issues promptly, leading to prolonged downtime, increased costs, and potential long-term damage to the crop.


Impaired troubleshooting and problem resolution.


Increased downtime and potential crop damage.

Are you lacking information about best agricultural practices?

Are you lacking information about best agricultural practices?

Lack of insights of your crops prevents identifying and addressing problems such as pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies or unfavorable environmental conditions. This can result in economic losses, reduced yields and difficulties in maintaining agricultural sustainability.


Lack of information hinders problem identification.


Negative impact on crops’ productivity.

Tupl Agro Advisor + WhatsApp provides real-time alerts, risk assessments, and agronomic recommendations directly on your WhatsApp

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What benefits can you expect with Agro Advisor + Whatsapp?



Fast and Direct





Predictive accuracy

Agro Advisor + Whatsapp: Your ultimate support for decision-making and identifying impacts in your farm

Revolutionize agricultural management by integrating real-time communication and expert guidance

Revolutionize agricultural management by integrating real-time communication and expert guidance


Alerts, risks and agronomic recommendations throughout the agricultural season.


Product and service offerings relevant to your activity (optional).


Two-way channel between farmer and Agro Advisor + WhatsApp: communication system with buttons between Tupl and the farmer to request crop information.


Customized recommendations for each farm: use of satellite detection and weather forecasts, identification of optimal conditions for diseases and pests in the crop, provides relevant farm and agricultural sector inform.

Get a demo of Agro Advisor + Whatsapp today

Get started and request a demo to learn how Agro Advisor + Whatsapp can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most common questions about Agro Advisor + Whatsapp.

How does Agro Advisor + Whatsapp work?


Agro Advisor + WhatsApp is an innovative solution that merges digital transformation with agriculture. By leveraging WhatsApp messages, farmers can receive automated updates pertaining to their crops. These messages encompass a wide range of information, including weather alerts, pest management recommendations, agronomic guidance on irrigation and fertilization, as well as risk notifications.

What kind of issues is Agro Advisor + Whatsapp solving?


At Tupl Agro, our solution is designed to foster seamless and unrestricted communication between farmers and our platform. With Agro Advisor + WhatsApp, enjoy real-time monitoring, direct connectivity with your technician, and personalized farm information. Our goal is to simplify the lives of farmers, providing them with an effortless and customized experience.

Can a cooperative company request Agro Advisor + WhatsApp services?


Our platform provides a seamless solution for cooperatives seeking to connect technicians and farmers, or vice versa. With Agro Advisor + WhatsApp, we act as an intermediary between cooperative companies and farmers, facilitating the exchange of services. This enables us to offer potential necessary products or services, ensuring a streamlined and efficient cooperative-farmer interaction.

Do I need an AI expert or developer staff?


Tupl's software has a simple and intuitive user interface that enables existing personnel to build AI Smart Agriculture applications for quality assurance in very little time with relatively small datasets and with no programming required.

Get a demo of Agro Advisor + Whatsapp today

Get started and request a demo to learn how Agro Advisor + Whatsapp can help you.

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